A full house approved a 7% levy increase for 2024, and seriously considered much bigger future increases, related to dust control on gravel roads and restoring about 5 miles of paved roads.
The industrial park is making fast strides with the Core X frozen food warehouse project. Negotiations under way will decide whether the state will allow Steel Waseca Electric to supply the needed service even though technically in Xcel’s territory. Also MNDOT support for paving 140th street west to an I-35 connection is in the works. But the key may be the new Union Pacific Railroad attitude to supplying rail service to new sidings directly, without having to allow the shortline railway to insert itself. Besides the Core X project, this may lead to many more industrial opportunities to the south into the County 9 corridor.
Bridgewater is preliminarily discussing the sale of a $1 million bond placement with the Dundas bank to bridge expenses for water, electricity, and normal delays starting a new property tax levy on an industrial project. Following years might see a $2 million bonding to finance the five miles of new asphalt in Bridgewater’s many small developments.
Other tidbits include Steve Albers and Leif Knecht looking for a weed control replacement (“It is fun shooting cow parsnips”). And a backup grader operator for the inevitable return of winter some year. Glen Castore led the three supervisor winners with 101 out of 115 votes. Mary Franz could not attend as she is expecting a baby, and Kathleen Kopseng was sick and out of action. Eric Schrader held the meeting on a fast track, ending at 10:15 PM.